Ha Na Lee was born in Seoul, South Korea. She works primarily in the mediums of video, new media, installation art, and experimental film. Her artwork focuses on portraying an individual’s experience of psychological and physical trauma in a poetic narrative. She is especially interested in exploring these themes by creating embodied cinematic experiences and spatializing fragmented narratives in the form of interactive and immersive environments.
Ph.D DXARTS (Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media),University of Washington, Seattle, WA
M.F.A & B.A Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
James Hughes was born in Houston, Texas. He is an interdisciplinary artist concerned with systems, agency, and information. James' research involves the use of real-time audio/video processing, audio/video synthesis, computer vision, sensors, networks, robotics and artificial intelligence to create interactive installations and performance platforms.
B.S Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
B.A Studio Art, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
Award & Grants
TEMPO 2017 in AIPP (Arts in Public Place) program, Austin, TX
GAP (Grants for Artist Projects) Award, Artist Trust, Seattle, WA
dARTbord Award, The Vilcek Foundation, New York, NY
New York Foundation of Arts (NYFA) Fellowship, Strategic Opportunity
Stipends, NY
Media Parade: 4 Media artists in Korea and Japan at ILJU Art House
Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Exhibition & Public Screening
The Big Show 2022 at Lawndale Art and Performance Center, Houston, TX
Invited video screening “Video and AI” at Microscope Gallery,  NYC, NY  
The Gaze: The Machine without Eyes, IEEE VISAP, Salt Lake City, UT 2020
Surfaces, Box 13 Artspace, Houston, TX
SXSW UNESCO Showcase Art Exhibition, Austin, TX
Film screening at EIC (Experiments in Cinema), Albuquerque, NM (Forthcoming)
Texas Vignette Art Fair 2018, Dallas, TX (Forthcoming)
Art City Austin: Fine Arts Festival 2018, Austin, TX (Forthcoming)
"26" Live Music Performance with Liquid Voices at Brechemin
Concert Hall, Seattle, WA
TEMPO project installed at Bartholomew District Park, Austin, TX
Currents: The Santa Fe International New Media Art Festival,
Santa Fe, NM
Two Women, DXARTS Ballard Warehouse, Seattle, WA
Seattle Art Fair VIP party in the sky at VIA6 Pavilion, Seattle, WA
Currents: The Santa Fe International New Media Art Festival,
Santa Fe, NM
Seattle Art Fair VIP party in the sky at VIA6 Pavilion, Seattle, WA
Crotchets, Quavers ... and Silicon Parchment, Chapel Performance
Space, Seattle, WA
“Music Unlimited 6 Void,” Taipei National Concert Hall, Taipei,
“Embedding Absence,” Jacob Lawrence Gallery, Seattle, WA
“Queens International 4”, Queens Museum of Art, Queens, NY
25th Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, LA
19th International Film Festival San-Sebastian Horror and
Fantasy, Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain
4th Shoot Me Short Film Festival, The Hague, The Netherlands
6th Cinefiesta International Film Festival, SanJuan, Puerto Rico
2nd Park Slope Film Academy, Brooklyn, NY
MFA Thesis Show, University Gallery Staller Art Center,
Stony Brook, NY
Circling the Globe Through Women's Lives, Mills Pond Gallery,
Smith Town Art Council,St. James, NY
Solo Exhibition, “Abrasion”, Lawrence Alloway Gallery,
Stony Brook, NY
New York Area MFA Show, Hunter College/Times Square Gallery, NY
Solo Exhibition, , "Contraindications I: Oysters & Pomegranates",
Lawrence Alloway, Gallery, Stony Brook, NY
SUNY Special Achievement, The State University Plaza,
Albany, NY
"Posset" , MFA First year show at Mellvile Library Gallery, NY
"Media Parade", Ikejiri Institute of Design, Setagaya,
Tokyo, Japan
"Seeing Through Sixty Years, Art Healing Space II",
Charles B.Wang Center, Stony Brook, NY
"Media Parade", JungMiSo Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
SEFOMA(Seoul Forum Media Art), Ssamzie Space Gallery,
Seoul, South Korea
Media in “f”, The Fifth EMAP Ewha Women’s University,
Seoul, South Korea